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Donate to the Oaks Digital Archive Fund

The Oaks

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

We love our neighborhood — it’s a special place with homes of every size, vintage, and character among its winding streets.  All of these homes and the people who have lived in them have stories to tell.  Rather than let those stories recede with time, we've decided it would be an appropriate marker of

our centennial to create a chronicle of what the neighborhood is and has

been over the last ten decades -- an Oaks Digital Archive.  We’ll house this

Archive online and we’ll fill it with the information you give us about your

homes: when they were built, who built them, who's lived there, what's

happened there.  This will be an ongoing project.  It will take work to put it

together and it will take some technical expertise.  And that takes funding.  

We did very well with your generous bids for the Auction items at the Centennial event, but we still have a ways to go.  So please give generously today.  

More information on how to participate in the Digital Archive will be coming

over the next few months; stay tuned and thank you in advance for your


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