We all love the many wonderful trees of the Oaks, but occasionally they can become a source of friction between neighbors. This happens when one neighbor’s tree branches or roots cross onto the property of another neighbor, causing concerns of safety or property damage. In these situations, there are laws that govern many of the actions you are permitted to take and the actions you are restricted from taking as either the tree owner or the person on whose property the branch or root is intruding. You should pause before taking any unilateral action as you may run afoul of these laws if you are not an expert or do not consult a lawyer. Your actions might result in trespassing, owing money damages, or being liable for damaging protected trees if you haven’t followed the correct procedures and safeguards.
If a neighbor’s tree branches or roots are encroaching on your property, the best first step is talking respectfully to your neighbor to see if there aren’t solutions that you can agree upon. As a tree owner: please monitor your trees, consider how their growth may be impacting your neighbors, and be proactive about taking actions (like trimming) that may be needed. The Oaks has become the community we all love because we value neighborliness, and communication is key!