As we mentioned in our most recent newsletter, we are hoping to raise the funds to build a retaining wall on Canyon Drive near the entrance to Bronson Park. You may have noticed the newly planted trees and the cleared sidewalk -- all thanks to The Oaks and Bronson Canyon Improvement Fund. In order to maintain the sidewalk in good condition and hold the hill above it in place, we need to build a retaining wall (ideally before the rainy season).
If you’d like to make a contribution to The Oaks and Bronson Canyon Improvement Fund for the retaining wall project, you can do so in one of several ways (or use QR codes below). Thank you for your help with this important neighborhood project!
VENMO: Using your smartphone, send contribution to @obcif which is listed on Venmo under “Charities.”
ZELLE: Donate via Zelle using this e-mail ID:
CHECK: Checks should be made out to and mailed to: The Oaks and Bronson Canyon Improvement Fund, 2360 Canyon Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90068
All contributions are tax-deductible (EIN 26-3304128). Donations receipts are available upon request.
If you’d like more information about the retaining wall project you can email The Oaks and Bronson Canyon Improvement Fund at